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Borneo Sporenburg & Kuala Lumpur


 12  /   4 /   2017

In our case study city, select and analyse an urban design project at a street scale for its various typologies of in-between spaces. The analysis comes from three perspectives, namely, the theoretical rigor, contextual aspects and the cultural translation into urban form at the selected city, as outlined below:

a) The theories that is employed by the city authority or the designers.

b) The historical/contextual underpinning must answer the questions of

     i) how does the city respond to modern and postmodern ideas and theories in urbanism and

     ii) what spatial (urban) structures constitute to the place making aspects in the city.

c) The understanding of urban design comes from underpinning the FORM and CONTENT phenomena. On the tangible or the hard side study on specific typology of urban form: built form / open spaces, activity and movement patterns; and on the intangible side: context, geography, demography, economy, culture and urbanity. Hence the presentation should clearly specify such understanding under these categories. It is also important that the student understand how such theories merge with the existing context in the given city.

d) Formal and content narratives on various typologies of in-between spaces.


Hence the presentation should clearly specify such understanding under both categories, the tangibles and intangibles. Presentation is also key and an assessment criteria. The content, composition and way of writing should exemplify the above (urban design and contextual understanding).

It is required to document the spatial form of the city to note the key spatial experience that is driven by the urban form and content. The objectives are:

a) to characterize the urban forms through morphological studies

b) to establish the relationships and roles of the three urban design elements, form, activity and movement patterns, through Serial Vision and

c) to identify distinctive aspects or typologies in their layout offering to the characteristics of a ‘in-between-ness’ in the contemporary context.


 12  /   4 /   2017

 2015 - 2019 Kennett's architectural portfolio

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