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Studio I

Pokemon, making sense in me.

Self embodiment through character

27  /   6 /   2016

This ice-breaking project introduces the basic understanding of design process and translating ideas into form design. To generate ideas from a Pokemon character through interests, preferences, attitude and personality. Then, create an abstract model that is to represent any of the fixtures, or something that acts as an auxiliary at home or anywhere to represent the given keyword of your character i have chosen  of the Pokemon. And my chosen Pokemon character was Umbreon, a progressive development of the moonshine character derived from the genus of Evee.


The character portrays mysteriously minimalist. Although snobbish and elegant,  this element of Umbreon can be seen as a rather independent pokemon among his other evolution of Evees. His presence brings comfort among friends and fear among enemies. His evolution encourages his potential to be superficial yet robust. The power of wanting to know more, to be better.

This notion derived the idea of the yellow box presented above. The  ever changing curious mind interpreted into a dimensional motive pattern.

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