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Urban Theories



Sisavangvong Road, an immense stretch of the street where culture and tradition prevails whilst the contradiction of modern day society activity reigns throughout the whole street. A catalyst to co-modify the living standards of the city of Luang Prabang by enlivening the street with tourist friendly economics and a twist of historical and religious routine to adapt with the abrupt modern times of the city and Laos as a whole. 

The thorough understanding of input and the city life of the long stretch of the street. The findings are compacted through a graphical format representing the theory of contact points formulated throughout the period of the day. the subject of Sisavangvong Road as an urban platform  for leisure and to express culture to the most through the context of social conditions and behavioral patterns. The street sees a lively influx of people on a daily basis performing necessary activities regarding their routine along the street being it leisure like for the tourists, or running errands for the locals. The site, with its geological context, sees being a tourist-centric hub within its vicinity to accommodate as a centralize gathering point for accommodating these appealing touristic activities. 

The understanding of how urban configuration as a platform for people to interact with the surrounding architectural tectonic environment to result in a quality of a city to be a livable one. This thought process is developed through the understanding of urban form and human patterns help develops the concept and understanding of the theory in urbanism.

Studying life, love, culture - Sisavangvong Road, Laos

 26  /   9  /   2018


Food & Culture

Summarizing urban philosophies

 24  /   10   /   2018

Before attending a critical perspective in urban theory, an input of suggestion or opinion is translated via an understanding of prevailing concepts of urban theory authored by  professionals whose works depicts the notion in the architectonics in cities and its impact on the basic norm of society through history and  poetry. These collective reads are translated as a summary form to demonstrate the understanding of the changes of times in relation of urbanity. 






Comparative analysis

31  /   10   /   2018

A distinctive appeal in the two urban cities where one weighs over the other in terms of social context. The surrounding relevancy of  Luang Prabang being more appealing to tourist whereas Klang caters to the straightforward necessities to get things going throughout the day with the people. An understanding of basic urban concepts of urban wall, street frontages, nodes, and the many other distinctive elements in urban theory which contributes to the developing factor of intensity contact points in their respective sites and its context.

The findings compated digitally intends to further explain and investigate the relevant in site context and urban theories amixed with Jan Gehl's Urban Perception of "Life Between Buildings" to conclude the two cities differences in their similarities.

A round-up

 18  /   12   /   2018

This chapter unfolds my understanding of the word "urban". The relation of context and the appeal of  people orientated culture where life happens between buildings. The collective research and interpretation in the abstract of space and perception of character in a city is defined through the vibrant occurrence of people. Urban theory as a part of the architectural understanding of a singular entity which fits and works with the collective whole of the city.

 2015 - 2019 Kennett's architectural portfolio

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