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Food & Culture

Food, culture, & Architecture

 9  /   10  /   2018

Food embodies the nature of pleasantry and satisfactory; dining is the experience within a realm that sparks the experience of joy when eating. My study onto the what and how’s of a space which could potential affects the comfortably when dining along a fresh produce market place like Chow Kit. The ambience of dead animals, humid atmosphere, damp floors, overcrowded. How these aspects describe the character of the place. Understanding people in Chow Kit thrives from the earliest of dusk till the darkest of dawn. In between, food; how its being prepared, consumed and gathered. Conclusively, this begs the question of discovering and exploring the answers for the questions of the spatial quality when dining in a place of a market, specifically Chow Kit.


The research comes in a a couple documentation on experiences and personal interpretations and a video presentation of what and how the site is chosen to be; what it is, how it is.

Food, culture, & Architecture

 11  /   20  /   2018

What is the place to eat? It seems very conspicuous that almost anywhere can be a platform to have a little chow. Just the space would feel rather “sempit” . All that food gone in and out being “dabao”, meat and vegetables towed along the walkway of dining tables. It seems one could have a pleasant dining experience when one understands the culture.

I then record my findings and compile in a graphical method annotating the very worthwhile experience when dinning in the warm humid place of Chow Kit.

 2015 - 2019 Kennett's architectural portfolio

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