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Design Communication

Esherick House

 9  /   7  /   2017

The simple planar structure of a house is introduced to be a case study to elaborate built project into 2-Dimensional drawings. This intention was to implement basic knowledge into communicating drawing design manually. A series of drawing was produced to demonstrate the understanding of the 3 d-Dimensional house compacted into a 2-Dimensional manual drawing with effective line weight.

Desiplain Specific Knowledge

To understand the built form, a comprehension of model making is essential to attain the house's proportions and space making. The model serves as a "model" to be a threshold volume of a mass in drawing. To allow the sense of proportion in drawing as well to communicate design.

With that said, The drawings are produced to scale. The drawings produced in order are: plans, elevations sections, axonometric and lastly perspective.

 2015 - 2019 Kennett's architectural portfolio

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