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Studio IV


12 / 4 / 2018


Site analysis

 3  /  5  /   2018

The proposed Leisure and Recreational center will be on two different sites located in the eastern portion of Taman D.R Seenivasagam in Ipoh, a large urban park dating from the early 1950’s. Also known as Coronation Park in the past, the edges of the sprawling park is defined by the linear blocks of the Waller Court council housing to the South, the Kinta River to the West and the main thoroughfare Jalan Raja Musa Aziz to the East. In the immediate vicinity of the park are residential areas as well as institutional facilities such as schools and a youth hostel. With its loose collection of pavilions, playgrounds, open fields, a small pond, a Japanese Garden and a Tin Mine Museum, together with its connection to the Kinta River Walk, Taman DR Seenivasagam a popular recreational spot for the locals.

Analyzing the park as a whole, then work on two separate sites for the House of Leisure, a latter project. How can the proposed House of Leisure rejuvenate the park and contribute to a lively public sphere? What additional leisure related programs could be introduced to inject more life into the park? Can the building and the park be woven into one? The proposed House of Leisure would not only have to address the physical conditions of the site (topography, vegetation etc.), but also contribute in a meaningful way to the existing social activities. These information essential to dwell and develop the need of a leisure house not just for the park; but Ipoh.









views and vistas

views and vistas





This brief proposes a HOUSE OF LEISURE - COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTRE. Taking the understanding of the contextual condition of the site and precedent studies as points of departure, students are to come up with intentions, concepts and programs that will then be developed into concrete design proposals that address and respond to the environment and the needs of the community.

The design for the House of Leisure must take into consideration the activities and social life already existing on site, and contribute in meaningful ways to its context. The design must be based on a multi-layered understanding of contextual issues and weave together sustainable environmental strategies and user and programmatic needs into poetic architectural spaces.

The initial understanding of the site is later translated into the perspective of the individual; a sense of personal interpretation of the site is generated. It enables me to focus one of the intangible element that i wish to address of the site. Above, the illustration depicts the park being "incomplete". A formal journey throughout the park is concluded with a vast empty tarmac land, underused and forgotten. only used to park vehicles, and as a means to connect the opposite side of Kinta River to the park. My strategy is to captivate the circulation across my site, an old withered tar-scape space.

Cinematic section which depicts the activity spaces within

It was a tough semester, but like always; managed to pull through. Time was managed hectically, and the call of compromising is  a common initiative for me. All the works are produced, excluding a physical model for the final proposal (but figures and diagrams among the presentation board are present)... but no, I inevitably failed to convey my idea through a physical 3-d model to allow my intentions and thoughts to be clearly proceeded. I really did gave my overall 100% and will still pursue. This was a minor setback; a way to improve.

 2015 - 2019 Kennett's architectural portfolio

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