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Kolibri 2mm

During the progression of throughout the semester in my architectural program. I have developed a taste into the interactive arts of my models. Soon i have successfully created a 1:1 scale model representation of the real-life's 2mm Kolibri gun. 

It took me a total of 3 weeks to fully craft the gun model that is interactive in a way to its real life counterpart. Asides my creation of the gun, It cannot shoot real bullets like its real-life cousin sadly. Alas, i have sculpted such iniation in the arts of fine detailed models that can be played with.


3 weeks was all it took in my life to develop this creation as it requires precision and mathematics. Because, there is no observable source to imitate the guns' dimension. I referred to the pictures that are found online and used my palm as size refrence.


 2015 - 2019 Kennett's architectural portfolio

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